Princess Penny

17 Aug

I made Penny a little bow for her hair ages ago. I wasn’t able to put it in her hair though, because she went to the groomers shortly after arriving. Today she was looking a little mangy, and I decided to brush out her hair. It’s so soft when I brush it!

She doesn’t particularly like getting her hair brushed though, it dreads really easily, and I’m sure getting it combed out is not the most pleasant experience. When I finished combing it out, she was very interested in attacking the little comb, so I let her investigate it, and while she did some investigating, I did some puppy primping.

She’s wearing her bow! And coincidentally we match. :p



One Response to “Princess Penny”


  1. Agility Competition « bitchinbeth - August 28, 2012

    […] a bit bigger than her, and they didn’t fit anymore, so now Penny looks like more of a princess than […]

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